France in the beginning of 17th century had a face which reflected political chaos, economic imbalance and religious crisis. The counter reform crusaders were en’iu’’’’’gaged in the renewal programme in all the Dioceses. Some Bishops sponsored the Jesuits on their “Mission Programme.” They were putting their heads together to bring about a spiritual revival and recreate zeal and enthusiasm in the people of God. Out of the crisis was born the gift of new life. Jean Pierre Medaille S.J was a little hidden Mystic and Contemplative who became a powerful instrument in this work of spiritual renewal and Christian Social Action not only in France but throughout the world.
At this juncture, when Cloistration was the order of the day and the idea of active apostolic religious life was practically unheard of, the Congregation of St. Joseph saw the light of the day in a little village- Le Puy in France by Jean Pierre Medaille S.J. On 15th Oct 1650 six illiterate young women whose only riches were their Love of God and neighbour, surrendered their lives to God to spend them at the service of humanity especially the poorest and the most neglected, thus promoting the greatest glory of God. They were placed under St. Joseph in order that the Sisters might imitate the perfect and cordial charity with which St.Joseph cared for Jesus and Mary.
The Sisters dedicated themselves in various services for the benefit of the poor and neglected, thus revealing blessed Trinity’s love for humanity but in 1793 the French revolution put a stop to its growth. All the convents were destroyed, Sisters scattered and five were martyred. To all appearances it was completely destroyed. God in His providence revived the Congregation in 1808 at Lyons, under the able leadership of Mother St.John Fontbonne, one of those who narrowly escaped martyrdom. Convents established in different dioceses formed themselves into independent congregations, but keeping the same charism and spirit. Thus convents in the diocese of Annecy became the Congregation of the Sisters of St.Joseph of Annecy in 1833 under Bishop Rey of Annecy. Today, the Sisters of St.Joseph of Father Medaille are spread through the length and breadth of the world in about 48 countries, contributing to the progress of the people everywhere.
It was in 1847, the MSFS Fathers came to India and Fr.Neyret was entrusted with Vicariate of Visakhapatnam (now 12 dioceses). He had seen the life of the sisters of St.Joseph in France. Realizing the urgent need of sisters in his mission to care for and uplift the women and children, he requested Mother Aloysia the Superior General for sisters. After much prayer and discernment four valiant sisters opted for India. They set out on 7th July 1849 and after a hazardous voyage reached Yanam on 5th Dec 1849. Another group came in 1851, but landed in Visakhapatnam which became the head quarters of sisters in India.
The sisters set to work with dauntless courage and great zeal among the women and children in the villages. Slowly they started the schools and boarding schools realizing that, ignorance is the great form of poverty. Walking in the footsteps of the pioneers, the Sisters of St.Joseph continue to serve humanity in every kind of service according to the needs of time and place, but their special mission is to help the poor and neglected to find dignity and meaning in life.
Thus today the Sisters of St. Joseph of Annecy are seen in Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala, Manipur, Tripura, Nagpur, Jharkhand etc. engaged in various activities such as schools, colleges, hostels, boarding schools, crèches, old age homes, hospitals, health centers, aids care, Leprosy eradication programmes, social work centers, prison ministry, parishes, out reach programmes, tribal welfare programmes, and so on. The Sisters of St.Joseph of Annecy are also found in England, Switzerland and in Senegal, Gambia and Tanzania in Africa. Everywhere the Sisters are engaged in passing on the compassionate love of God which they receive in prayer and thus bring about the Double and Total Union with God and with one another.
The secret of the success of the Sisters of St. Joseph is their fidelity to the core spirituality of Father Medialle. It is the Trinitarian Spirituality: a spirituality of relationship with the uncreated Trinity: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and the Created Trinity: Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Each of these persons is honoured today in the Congregation by imitating their virtues. Thus, the Father’s Perfection, the Son’s Humility and the Holy Spirit’s Love would help the sisters in their personal sanctification. For apostolic effectiveness, they imitate the Zeal of Jesus, the Docility of Mary to the Holy Spirit and the Cordial Charity of St. Joseph. It is a perfect code of perfection: simple, practical and very suitable for active religious like Sisters of St. Joseph.