“ Love and Service of God in the Love and Service of People ”
Our spirituality is Trinitarian and Incarnational - knowing and loving God is at the heart of our Trinitarian Spirituality. God who is “love” has revealed himself to us in his son Jesus. Our life lived together is the expression of God the Father’s community with the Son and the Holy Spirit. Therefore it is the love of God that is expressed in communion with Him and, among our brothers and sisters, in the liberation of all who are marginalized, poor and oppressed.
Personal prayer, celebration of the daily Eucharist, meditation on the word of God, deep relationship with Mary our mother and St. Joseph our patron, communion with the church and the Blessed Sacrament are the divine gifts that feed and enrich and enable us to bring life to the people through our lives.
It is this Trinitarian spirituality that drives us to accomplish our vision and mission in reaching out through our services to the neediest and the less privileged.